Hilco announced its expanding line of popping candy with iconic brand KOOL-AID. Hilco has joined with Kraft Heinz to create everyday three-pack peg bags and single packs of popping candy. Each peg bag contains three 0.24-ounce pouches in top brand flavors. The net weight per peg bag is 0.74 ounces per 21 grams. Flavors include Tropical Punch, Grape and Cherry. The suggested retail price (SRP) is $1.99. It ships in a 48-count master case with four 12-count displays per case. The single packs are 0.33 ounces that come in Tropical Punch, Grape and Cherry flavors. The SRP is 99 cents. It ships in an 80-count master case with four 20-count displays per case.
The Kraft Heinz Co.